5・6 号
2008-03 発行
ISSN : 1348-2645
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属障害児教育実践センター
A Nationwide Investigation of a State and Needs of Educational Supports for University Students with Disabilities in South Korea
朴 在國 落合 俊郎 金 美点 金 英美 金 恵理 林 恵卿
PP. 1 - 11
A Study on Ensuring Special Needs Education in Elementary and Junior High Schools by University Students' Voluntary Activities and Partnerships
寺田 容子 秋元 雅仁
PP. 13 - 24
A State of Affairs of Literacy Teaching to Deaf or Hard of Hearing Kindergarten and Preschool Children Who Attend Deaf Schools (2) : Based on the Year 2003 Survey for Teachers Working at Divisions for Educational Counseling and Kindergartens of Deaf Schools
PP. 25 - 32
The Conceptual Development Program for Infants and Toddlers with Visual Impairment
田中 由紀子 小林 秀之
PP. 33 - 57
The 3rd Convention of Hiroshima Special Educational Needs Network Council
落合 俊郎 佐藤 学 近江 幸治 新谷 喜之 内藤 孝子
PP. 59 - 98