広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 60 号
2011-12-22 発行

ことばの実態把握に基づく言語生活単元の開発 : 言語行為批評の考察を手がかりとして

Developing Japanese Unit Learning of Language Life Based on the Actual State of Living Language : Focusing on remarking activities that evaluate verbal acts
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357 KB
This paper examines Japanese language learning (unit learning about our language life) in terms of deepening the relationship between language in daily life and language learning in a classroom, focusing on remarking activity evaluating verbal acts (using words to analyze other words). The results specifically provided points to be considered in the planning and implementation of unit learning about our language life, based on the history and practice of remarking activity evaluating verbal acts. The following important points can be surmised.

1) Understanding and considering the "actual state of living language" in everyday life.

2) Compiling teaching materials from newspaper readers' columns, essays on the subject of language, or teachers' own language experiences.

3) Preparing learning activities that challenge students' views on verbal acts.

The aforementioned three points provide ways to develop unit learning about our language life.
the actual state of living language
unit learning of language life
remarking activities that evaluate verbal acts