広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域
57 号
2008-12-26 発行
ISSN : 1346-5554
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
A Basic Study on the Instruction of the Experimental Report in Science Lesson II
PP. 1 - 5
Basic Study on the Nauplius Instars of Macrocyclops fuscus (Crustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopidae) as a Teaching Material
富川 光 鳥越 兼治
PP. 7 - 11
Early Development of the Sand Dollar, Scaphechinus mirabilis (Echinodermata: Echinoidea: Clypeasteroida) as a Teaching Material
富川 光 鳥越 兼治
PP. 13 - 17
Study on the Cross Product of Vectors : For an expanse and teaching material aspect of the notion
PP. 19 - 28
A Study on Lesson Study of Teaching and Learning History in the Elementary School : On Case of the Unit "National Unification under Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu's Leadership"
池野 範男 田口 紘子 李 貞姫 宇都宮 明子
PP. 39 - 48
Max Schelers Weltbegriff : Person - Welt, Leib - Umwelt, und Mikorokosmos - Makrokosmos
PP. 49 - 58
Learning History in Elementary Schools to Create Relations with History : Focusing on the Lessons of Tina Reynolds
田口 紘子
PP. 59 - 68
Development of the Model Class of the Subject "Pinde and Shehui (Rule and Society)" Focused on Citizenship at Elementary Level in China : An Analysis of the Lesson "Let's make Rules!" in 5th Grade.
蔡 秋英
PP. 69 - 75
Development of a History Learning Model for Foreign Schoolchildren : An Analyses of a History Lesson based on "Bicultural Integration Learning"
南浦 涼介
PP. 77 - 86
Victory or Defeat and "Bugaku" -Winner's Dance- of the Match Ceremony in the Ceremony Books in the Heian Era
山本 佳奈
PP. 87 - 96
An Analysis of Social Studies Lesson in Korean Elementary School : Learning history through imaginative method
李 貞姫
PP. 97 - 106
What does "Transactional Theory" Achieve for Students? : "Aesthetic Reading" as the basis of "Critical Reading"
PP. 107 - 116
A Study of the Thought and Teaching Method in Chuto-Kokubun (1943)
PP. 117 - 126
Transition of Conceptions of Ability in Education of "Listening" : An Examination of Achievement-goal in The Course of Study for Elementary School
藤川 和也
PP. 127 - 134
A Fundamental Study on Teaching of the Written Language in the Early Stages of Elementary School : Let examination of Toshiyuki Shiom's theory of the 1980s pass
長岡 由記
PP. 135 - 142
Development and Issues of Media Education in Contemporary Japan : Some considerations on the revision process toward 1998 Course of Study
瀧口 美絵
PP. 143 - 149
A Few Comments on Distance with the Object in Media Education : Focus on Être et Avior (TO BE AND TO HAVE)
砂川 誠司
PP. 151 - 158
A Study on the First Lesson of Shogaku Tokuhon: vol.1, Compiled by Yoshikado Tanaka : On the comparative study of the Willson's First Reader
西本 喜久子
PP. 159 - 168
Significance of Designing Questions to Enhance Reading Comprehension : Through the analysis of post-reading questions in senior high school English textbooks in Japan
PP. 169 - 176
Consideration of Word Play as English Teaching Material
中村 愛人
PP. 177 - 181
Reactivity of Think-Aloud Protocols on Translation Task : Fundamental study for the study on translation process
石原 知英
PP. 183 - 191
The Associative Relationship between Lexicon and Concept in a Beginning Class of Japanese Learners : An Experimental Study by Picture-Word Category Matching Task
松見 法男 蔡 鳳香
PP. 193 - 197
Why Did K Commit Suicide? : An investigation of the puzzle of "Kokoro"
PP. 199 - 207
Educational Validity of Metacognitive Strategy Used by Junior High Students When They Write Argumentative Essays
井口 あずさ
PP. 209 - 218
The Effectiveness of Shadowing Training on Japanese Learners : Based on a month-long longitudinal study
岩下 真澄
PP. 219 - 228
The Influence of Memory Span, Types of Sentences, and Context on the Phonological Processing and Semantic Processing during Shadowing in Japanese : A focus on Japanese native speakers
倉田 久美子
PP. 229 - 235
Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension Ability of an Intermediate and an Advanced Class of Learners of Japanese : Focusing on Vocabulary Knowledge, Grammatical Knowledge, Problem Solving Ability, and Capacity of Working Memory
前田 由樹
PP. 237 - 244
Relation between Willingness to Communicate in Japanese and Learning Motive
小林 明子
PP. 245 - 253
Legitimate Peripheral Participation of Overseas Engineering Major Graduates with a Focus on the Japanese Language
重田 美咲
PP. 255 - 262
Study of Words Having Similar Chinese Characters in Chinese and Japanese Languages for Advancement of Intercultural Understanding : Course practices conducted in Japanese junior high and high schools
秦 春芳
PP. 263 - 271
Interaction and Participation in Second Language Activities (Japanese) on the Theme of Discussing Myself
家根橋 伸子
PP. 273 - 282
The Examination of the Teaching Plan and the Motor Unit in the Physical Education
松岡 重信 諾日布 斯仁 孫 堅 張 紅岩
PP. 283 - 292
A Study on the Items of Evaluation Criteria in Student Teaching
岩田 昌太郎 嘉数 健悟
PP. 293 - 300
Exercise Program for Improving the Dynamic Balance Ability of Senior Citizen : Focus on contents of the program
代 俊
PP. 301 - 308
A Kinematics Study on the Fundamental Motion Development of Elementary School Children : Focused on standing long jump
陳 周業
PP. 309 - 315
Basic Research on PISA Type Comprehension Power in Physical Education
諾日布 斯仁
PP. 317 - 323
A Comparative Study on the Learning Form of Physical Education at Schools in Japan and China : From the perspective of organization
張 紅岩
PP. 325 - 334
Attempt of Space Analysis by Using Pressure Distribution Model in Basketball Game : Relation between domination space of attack and ball movement
奥田 知靖
PP. 335 - 343
The Establishment and Development of Homemaking Education in Japan under the Occupation(XXII) : Maude Williamson's Diary from Japan
PP. 345 - 354
Impression Evaluation According to Generation based on the Photographs of the University Students in their Twenties.
PP. 355 - 362
A Survey on the Color of Interior Design for University Students
PP. 363 - 370
A Study on S. Donaudy "36 Arie di stile antico" IV : Regarding his operatic works no.2
PP. 371 - 378
A Study of Concone 50
松永 光紗 徳永 崇
PP. 379 - 388
Music Appreciation Education of The Music Hour : Through the Comparison with American Elementary Music Textbooks of the 1920s
武内 裕明
PP. 389 - 398
The Introduction and Development of Micro Teaching in Chinese Music Teacher Training Course
王 暁玲
PP. 399 - 408
Eine Betrachtung über die Eigenschaft der Löhleins Klavierschule : Durch einer Nachprüfung eines Plagiatzweifels an der Löhleins Klavierschule
小野 亮祐
PP. 409 - 418
Motoda Nagazane and Analect Confucianism : Study on Motoda's Lecture Record to Meiji Emperor
アンディー バンキット セティアワン
PP. 426 - 419
About the Usage of 有, 在, 坐, and 居 in 'Kojiki'. : When they show the meaning of <existence>
刀田 絵美子
PP. 436 - 428