40 号
2012-03-26 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1346-5104
ONLINE ISSN : 2435-9041
発行元 : 広島大学学部・附属学校共同研究機構
Learning supports for children with poor working memory : Effects of an instructional strategy at Japanese class for third-graders.
PP. 17 - 22
Study for teacher's off the job training at the attched junior high school : Aiming for the developments of mathmatics teachers
PP. 23 - 28
A study on the effect of teachers' guidance for student teachers at Shinonome Elementary & Jr. High schools, based on statistical analysis of pre- & post-questionnaires (II).
神原 一之 秋山 哲 川口 浩 松前 良昌 林 孝 林 武広
PP. 29 - 33
For the improvement of English teacher training : A study on student teachers' beliefs about learning and teaching English (II)
PP. 35 - 40
A Study on teacher training for mathematics education (5) : A framework for evaluating the study of teaching materials in mathematics
PP. 41 - 46
A practical study on the adaptation of a child with special needs to the peer group in the kindergarten.
久原 有貴 七木田 敦 大野 歩 松本 信吾 林 よし恵 田中 恵子 関口 道彦 落合 さゆり
PP. 47 - 52
Lesson activities instilling self-esteem in students with intellectual disabilities : Developing the structured approach in special education classes at elementary and middle schools
檜和田 祐介 藤井 朋子 小田原 舞 奥野 正二 梶山 雅司 中山 美代 髙阪 英徳 山形 恵美子 落合 俊郎 若松 昭彦 川合 紀宗 竹林地 毅 氏間 和仁 林田 真志 木舩 憲幸 牟田口 辰己 谷本 忠明 大鹿 綾
PP. 53 - 58
Consideration of international exchange at junior high school : Through exchange program with Exploris Middle School, Odyssey School, and MENDOYO SMP4
PP. 59 - 64
A Survey and Study of the consciousness progression on the high school student's higher education selection by the lecture of History of University. (3)
PP. 71 - 76
Research and development of computer software to create story problem to promote the individual development of children (IV)
前田 一誠 平嶋 宗 宮崎 理恵 新竹 由基 倉山 めぐみ
PP. 83 - 88
Effect of High School Homemaking Learning that Associated the Production of Picture Books for Shokuiku and Training of Cooking
PP. 89 - 94
Research of Environment education materials applied with environment sensor data (4) : Study of science education using carbon dioxide data
土井 徹 匹田 篤 野添 生 古瀬 健太郎 吉富 健一 林 武広
PP. 95 - 98
Learning by experience in 2011 : the natural and historical treasures of Miyajima (Itsukushima) Island.
宮里 智恵 坪田 博美 石井 信孝 安松 洋佳 小早川 善伸 田野 賢一 渕山 真悟 内田 慎治 向井 誠二 金丸 純二
PP. 99 - 104
A research on teaching technique to encourage middle school students to express a positive behavior toward children in contact experience (1).
PP. 105 - 110
Language activity promoting the development of competence in reading reflectively.
PP. 111 - 116
Training of sustainable environmental proposition for diverse environment by means of five senses icon
PP. 117 - 122
Development of "network against disasters" in elementary social studies by "sociology of disaster" : Through the analysis of The educational research at three elementary schools attached to Hiroshima University.
松岡 靖 新谷 和幸 長野 由知 沖西 啓子 中丸 敏至 安松 洋佳 木村 博一 前田 俊二
PP. 123 - 128
A study of the relationship between the childcare environment in woods and the child physical movement.
落合 さゆり 関口 道彦 杉村 伸一郎 上田 毅 松尾 千秋 久原 有貴 日切 慶子 藤橋 智子
PP. 141 - 146
An approach about subject matter of clothing life culture in Junior high school home economics field : Verification of the effects by experience of wearing Yukata
藤井 志保 村上 かおり 一色 玲子 谷原 千代
PP. 147 - 152
Classes based on the new course of study 1 : Learning of Hanshi and Hanwen to develop students' imagination.
PP. 153 - 158
Investigation of linguistic process in home economics of elementary school to develop intellectual base and fertile sensitivity of a life.
森下 友紀 鈴木 明子 行友 圭子 高畑 律子
PP. 159 - 164
Classes based on the new course of study : On coordination of the curriculum among elementary, junior and senior high schools in learning traditional linguistic culture
PP. 171 - 176
What does the outside exhibition of the early childhood education and care conference bring inside kindergarten teachers?
松本 信吾 中坪 史典 杉村 伸一郎 林 よし恵 日切 慶子 正田 るり子 藤橋 智子
PP. 177 - 182
A practical approach to the teaching of english based on the new course of study : Toward systematic teaching of speaking (2)
PP. 183 - 187
A practical study to Shot-Putting based on the new course of study : Improving an ability to solve problems
PP. 189 - 194
Safety education in school education : Subject of systematic program about school hygiene safety education at a kindergarten, an elementary school, and a junior high school
荒谷 美津子 川崎 裕美 森脇 智子 金岡 美幸 桑田 一也 福田 佳世 高橋 法子 井上 由子 弓場 奈穂子
PP. 195 - 200
To create lessons of learning advantage for the children to be able to understand and do excercise by involving friends.
佐伯 育伸 藤原 由弥 小早川 善伸 木原 成一郎 松尾 千秋
PP. 201 - 206
Japanese language instruciton under MEXT 2008 course of study : Learning for developing students' universe of language through transactions with words of others
PP. 207 - 212
A study on science teaching for children's scientific learning : A case of the unit "Changes of water state"
PP. 213 - 218
A study on awareness through cooperative learning in lessons of Living Environment Studies
石井 信孝 朝倉 淳 石田 浩子 伊藤 公一 樽谷 秀幸 二井岡 直文
PP. 219 - 224
A study of the development and evaluation of solid academic abilities. : A practice approaches to the reading abilities through others expressions and languages.
PP. 225 - 230
Fostering competences in global age through social studies (7) : Focusing on reconstruction of learners' thinking in the class.
PP. 231 - 236
Improvement of cooperative creativity through learning in elective subject (Arithmetic/Mathematics) (3) : Focus on the relationship between the characteristics of the figure in the 1st grade of a junior high school
川﨑 正盛 妹尾 進一 村上 良太 植田 敦三 松浦 武人
PP. 237 - 242
Research and development of study management from acquisition to investigation (3)
泉谷 正則 向井 さゆり 大橋 美代子 三村 真弓 濵本 恵康
PP. 243 - 248
Developing art and handicraft lessons to cultivate elementary and junior high school children's aesthetic feelings : Application of the new bloom's taxonomy to art education
中島 敦夫 吉川 一生 大和 浩子 内田 雅三 中村 和世
PP. 249 - 254
English education instruction for enhancing the quality of the expressions by students II : Focus on "reading" and "writing"
松村 健 山崎 学肖 築道 和明
PP. 255 - 260
PP. 261 - 266
Research on developing students' creativity in learning elementary school mathematics (II) : Focusing on first grade classroom for learning addition (1)
PP. 267 - 272
Creating children's culture in learning in elementary school science (XII) : Development of teaching material to promote children's understandings of "Functions of blood"
PP. 273 - 278
A development on teaching materials and methods for enhancing writing ability at junior high schools in the English education (2)
PP. 279 - 284
The trial of animal assisted education in kindergarten : Study on the effect of interaction with living things on the daily rhythm of preschool children
金岡 美幸 谷田 創 木場 有紀 中山 芙充子 掛 志穂 君岡 智央 吉原 智惠美 住田 真裕子 池田 明子 井上 由子 坪田 志保 山中 覚美 東 加奈子 宮谷 智子
PP. 295 - 299
PP. 307 - 312