大学論集 53 号
2021-03 発行

カナダの大学における学生支援の展開とその特徴 : CACUSS(Canadian Association of College and University Student Services) の取り組みに注目して

A Study on the Development and Characteristics of Student Affairs Services in the Canadian Context: Focusing on the Activities of CACUSS
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This paper examines the development and characteristics of student affairs services in Canadian universities. Compared to our understanding of student affairs services in the United States context, no previous research has focused specifically on student affairs services in Canada, and the professional organization of these services and related activities have never undergone basic analysis. Thus, this paper is based on newly identified primary evidence acquired by the author from the CACUSS Office Secretariat in Canada, the analysis of which leads to the following conclusions. First, after I provide an overview of the history of the organization, I analyze two CACUSS primary documents: “The Mission of Student Services” (1989) and “CACUSS Student Affairs and Services Competency Model English” (2016). Second, I consider the creation process of “CACUSS Student Affairs and Services Competency Model English” (2016). Notably, the CACUSS refer to student affairs services documents published by American professional organizations (e.g. ACPA, NASPA, and ACUHO-I). In light of these results, the basic viewpoints of student affairs services in the Canadian context are shown.
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