53 号
2021-03 発行
発行元 : 広島大学高等教育研究
ISSN : 0302-0142
Mothers’ Gender Conceptions, College Entry, and Curricular Choice among High School Students
PP. 1 - 17
A Study on the Effects of Chinese Students Studying in Japan in the 1990s: A Case Study of the Beijing Research Center for Japanese Studies
李 敏
PP. 19 - 35
Trends and Issues of EBPM: Looking at the Impact on the Higher Education Sector
中尾 走
PP. 37 - 52
Reaction of National University Professors against the Prolonged Corporation Model
PP. 53 - 69
A Study on the Development and Characteristics of Student Affairs Services in the Canadian Context: Focusing on the Activities of CACUSS
PP. 71 - 84
A Study on the “International” and “Interdisciplinary” Nature of Undergraduate Programs in Korea: A Case Study of an International and Global Studies Department
嶋内 佐絵
PP. 85 - 101
Development and Penetration of Applied Education in Chinese Independent Colleges: From the Perspectives of Government, Institutions, and Students
潘 秋静
PP. 103 - 118