44 号
2013-03 発行
発行元 : 広島大学高等教育研究
ISSN : 0302-0142
The Structure of Learning Outcome and Learning Time in Japanese Students : Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Analyses <Article>
PP. 1 - 17
A New Taxonomy of UK Universities Following Introduction of the Unitary System in 1992 <Article>
PP. 19 - 34
Income changes of National University Corporations focusing on income items
PP. 35 - 48
Academic Senates and Shared Governance in American Universities : The case of the University of California <Article>
福留 東土
PP. 49 - 64
The Transition in Central Government’s Private School Subsidies : A Time Series Analysis <Article>
小入羽 秀敬
PP. 65 - 80
Policies on, and Realities of, international students : A Case Study of Chinese Students in Japan <Article>
李 敏
PP. 81 - 96
Japanese Private Universities in the1940s : What were the effects of the World War II on the universities’ finances? <Article>
伊藤 彰浩
PP. 97 - 113
Faculty Affiliated with Low-prestige Universities (3) : difficulties of balancing teaching and research <Article>
葛城 浩一
PP. 115 - 130
The Strategic Support for the University by the Alumni Association : The Case of the University of Michigan <Article>
鳥居 朋子
PP. 131 - 146
Labor Market Evaluations of Learning in Science and Mathematics Subjects <Article>
西村 和雄 平田 純一 八木 匡 浦坂 純子
PP. 147 - 162
Politicians (Diet Members) with a Special Interest in Higher Education in post-war Japan <Article>
橋本 鉱市
PP. 163 - 178
Balancing The Autonomy and Public Nature of Private Universities : A Comparative Study of the Private School Act in Japan and Korea <Article>
両角 亜希子
PP. 179 - 194
Trends in the Purpose, Organization and Staffing of Liberal and General Education : Perspectives from the 2011 National Survey of Liberal and General Education Chief Operating Officers <Article>
PP. 195 - 210
Cross-Sectional and Time Series Analyses of Lecture Evaluations by Students : A Case Study of a First-Year Teaching Science in Elementary Schools <Article>
川越 明日香
PP. 211 - 226
A Review of Studies on Research Evaluation <Article>
西村 君平
PP. 227 - 242
Assessment Indicators of Learning for Junior College Student in Japan : Major Benchmarking from JJCSS2011 <Note>
相原 総一郎
PP. 255 - 270
The Effects of Students’ Learning outside the Classroom Promoted by WebCT <Note>
PP. 271 - 286
The Costs and Benefits of Studying in Rural Cities in Japan : Results of a Survey of International Students in Oita, Akita and Tottori <Note>
佐藤 由利子
PP. 287 - 302
Literature Review of Undergraduate Student’s Learning Outcomes <Note>
三好 登
PP. 303 - 318
ポスト デイヴィッド スタンバック エイミー ギンズバーグ マーク ハナム エミリー ビーナヴォット アーロン ビョー クリス 福留 東土 三代川 典史
PP. 319 - 335