大学論集 50 号
2018-03 発行

教育プログラムの内部質保証に寄与する教学IRとは : 学習の視点を中心に

I Institutional Research for Internal Quality Assurance on Educational Program from the Standpoint of Educational Research
森 朋子
紺田 広明
607 KB
On the occasion of the third cycle of the institutional certified evaluation and accreditation, this research examines internal quality assurance for improving educational study with properly selected evaluation objectives and focuses on internal quality assurance in the educational program or curriculum for undergraduate students rather than systematic quality assurance of the entire university.
The study concludes with five features suitable for institutional research (IR): 1) strengthening the evaluation function of the educational program; 2) consistently assessing the qualities and abilities as a school corporation; 3) advanced evaluation making full use of expertise in statistical analysis; 4) developing systems to support the students own identity; and 5) collaboration between faculty and teachers across departments. As an IR project, the study also demonstrates in reviewing and improving the curriculum through the decision tree analysis, collaboration with faculty and the education development support center.
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