大学論集 50 号
2018-03 発行

大学教員として就職するまでのプロセスと就職後の教育・研究活動との関連性 : ボーダーフリー大学に着目して

The Relationship Between the Processes of Employing Faculty and Their Subsequent Educational and Research Activities at Low-prestige Universities
葛城 浩一
861 KB
This paper presents specific information about the process of employing faculty, and explores the relationship between the employment process and subsequent educational and research activities. The findings are as follows.
Firstly, there are few in which the personnel affairs were purely open recruitment, and not a few in which the personnel affairs were not even formal open recruitment. In addition, those who were employed by the purely open application procedures applied to more positions, and they had more peer-reviewed papers at the point of being employed.
Secondly, as for the relationship between the presence of peer-reviewed paper at the point of employment, and subsequent educational and research activities, those with fewer papers had lower research productivity as a whole. And those with no paper did not work hard on educational activities as a whole than those with papers.
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