大学論集 Issue 50
published_at 2018-03


Cost Sharing of International Student Recruitment and Support at Local Private Universities in Korea and Japan
Sato Yuriko
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In this article, the comparative advantage/disadvantage of international student recruitment and cost sharing for international student recruitment, education and support will be compared between private and public (national and municipal) universities in metropolitan and local (non-metropolitan) areas in Korea and Japan in order to consider the necessary measures to promote their internationalization.
From 2011 to 2016, the number of international students in local private universities in Korea and Japan decreased by 16.6% and 6.2% respectively while the international students in the universities in other categories increased, including national and municipal universities in metropolitan and local areas and private universities in metropolitan areas.
The tuition fee reduction rate for the international students is high in the local private universities in Korea and Japan in order to offset their comparative disadvantage in international student recruitment.
The measures to redress the gap between the metropolitan and local universities in Korea are more diverse and large scale than those in Japan. Though the internationalization of higher education has been promoted by providing competitive funding to “flag ship universities” in Japan, it would be necessary to increase the bottom up support for the local private universities through sharing the cost of international student recruitment, education and support considering the role they play in the revitalization and internationalization of the regions.
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