大学論集 Issue 48
published_at 2016-03


The Context of the Development of Peer Programs and Student Learning Assessment in Higher Education in the United States
Abe-Onuki Yukiko
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This study explores of the development process of peer programs and student learning assessment higher education student affairs in the United States. Peer programs are gaining popularity on college campuses. Peer activities began in a resident halls in colonial universities, and organized as resident assistants (RAs) in the 1900’s. And after the 1970s it grew to variety areas in student affairs such as student mentors, student tutors, orientation assistants and peer educators.

The student learning and learning outcomes assessment are new challenge for peer programs in the spread of an assessment culture in student affairs. Learning outcomes have become an indispensable element for student assessment cycles. Development learning outcomes on peer programs are achieved through the leadership of professional standards by professional associations. And learning outcomes are characterized by consisting of not only competency as a peer leader like a leadership, community development, communication, but also program management skills.

The next tasks of this research are further case studies of peer programs assessment with learning outcomes, for understanding the whole process of a student affairs assessment cycle and holistic student learning outcomes in peer programs. It will be contributory to explore how the shift to a learner-centered higher education through the growing of an assessment culture of student affairs.
本研究はJSPS科研費: 30553416 の助成を受けたものである。
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