大学論集 45 号
2014-03 発行

ボーダーフリー大学教員の大学教授職に対する認識(4) : 教育志向の教員に着目して <研究ノート>

Faculty Affiliated with Low-prestige Universities (4) : Teaching Oriented Faculty <Note>
葛城 浩一
444 KB
This paper explores the characteristics of faculty members at low-prestige universities in Japan, especially junior faculty, who see themselves as university teaching staffs who are more teaching oriented, rather than research oriented. This paper discusses four points as follows.  

First, the education consciousness of junior faculty examined are not so significantly high compared to that of those who see themselves as being research oriented. On the other hand, the findings of the paper suggest that the difference between their education and research consciousness is quite high.  

Second, the findings of the paper support the idea that the research capabilities of teaching oriented, junior faculty are not high. For example, their research productivity is relatively low, compared to those of the research oriented, junior faculty and also they receive less external research funding.  

Third, the paper supports the idea that the intrinsic motivations of teaching oriented, junior faculty are not as strong as those of research oriented, junior faculty. For instance, their expectations of academic career upward mobility are not high.  

Lastly, the paper’s findings support the idea that extrinsic motivations of the teaching oriented, junior faculties are not so strong. Compared to the research oriented, junior faculty, the teaching oriented, junior faculty hold precarious posts at their universities, and are not highly valued for their research by their universities.
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