大学論集 Issue 45
published_at 2014-03

国際化・グローバル化に関する高等教育文献の枠組と考察 <研究ノート>

A Framework of “Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education” and Its Consideration <Note>
Kitagaki Ikuo
517 KB
Internationalization or globalization is currently a much discussed topic in higher education. These words however, represent a rather wide concept thus interest in them varies widely for example the awareness among professors and/or students; the ratio of foreign professors or foreign students; university ranking worldwide; quality assurance worldwide, and so forth. It is difficult to identify the object of interest due to the vagueness of these words in higher education.  

Thus we developed a framework of “Internationalization and globalization in higher education” citing recently published materials relating to the topic and keywords attached to relevant materials. Assembled materials consisting of essays devoted to the topic internationalization and/or globalization and an academic book of the same field served as the objects for the survey. On the other hand, we used the NDL-OPAC database system run by the Japan National Library to retrieve the materials having keywords related to higher education and either of the two aforementioned keywords. Many keywords were found attached to the materials which were used for to create the framework. Also consideration is given to the task which will have to be conducted to complete the framework.
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