大学論集 Issue 44
published_at 2013-03

同窓会活動における大学への戦略的支援 : ミシガン大学同窓会の事例に注目して <論考>

The Strategic Support for the University by the Alumni Association : The Case of the University of Michigan <Article>
Torii Tomoko
617 KB
This paper offers a case study of the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (AAUM) in the United States, focusing on its strategic support for the University. The University of Michigan is a prestigious state-supported university in Michigan, USA. The AAUM is an independent, not-for-profit and worldwide organization that nurtures lifelong relationships with and among current and future Michigan alumni. As a committed partner of the University, the Association offers programs of relevance and service to alumni and creates support for the University. The AAUM is committed to a shared goal of helping promote the welfare and interests of the University. The Association’s strategic plan is focused on creating high-quality programs and services for its 500,000 alumni.  

Diversity is a valued dimension of the educational experience at the University of Michigan. The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI) in 2006, or Proposal 2, was a state ballot proposal that aimed to change the state’s constitution to ban preferences based on race, sex, skin color, ethnicity or national origin in public employment, public contracting and public education. The board of directors of the AAUM took a position in opposition to MCRI. After 58 percent of Michigan voters approved Proposal 2, the AAUM started to investigate ways the Association could support the University in its efforts to build and maintain diversity on its campuses, because the University is no longer allowed to accept contributions to race- or gender-based scholarships. In 2007 the board of the AAUM approved the development of a scholarship program to encourage the enrollment of students who contribute to diversity at the University of Michigan. The AAUM supports not only a diverse student body, but also the University’s core value.  

Meanwhile, to increase the University of Michigan’s visibility, profile and brand, the University is taking an international partnership approach, especially with China which has a growing economy. Responding to this international partnership approach, the AAUM seeks to implement opportunities for all-alumni engagement in support of the University’s fulfillment of its global priorities, laying a particular emphasis upon China. This strategic support for the University targeting a specific country might raise tensions in the consensus based on the idea of equity within a diverse alumni group.
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