Journal of health sciences, Hiroshima University
Volume 6
Issue 1
Date of Issue:2006-12-28
current number
ISSN : 1347-7323
Publisher : 広島大学保健学出版会
The relationships between the ostomates' acceptance of ostomy and their self-care situations and related factors
Soejima Satoko Moriyama Michiko Nakano Masumi
PP. 1 - 11
Postural control in persons with unilateral trans-femoral amputation using center of pressure : effect of socket types
Kawano Ichiro Tobimatsu Yoshiko Maejima Hiroshi Moriyama Hideki Takemoto Hidenori Saka Yukari Otani Takuya Takasugi Shin-ichiro Iwamoto Yukihide
PP. 17 - 24
The relationship between sleep-wake patterns and depression among institute-dwelling elderly with cognitive dysfunction
Tsutsumi Masae Kobayashi Toshio Kageyama Takayuki Wakui Tadaaki Sumikawa Keiko Tanaka Makiko
PP. 25 - 31
Repair process of the rat Achilles tendon after tenotomy
Ando Yuko Kurose Tomoyuki Usami Seigo Hayakawa Minoru Kawamata Seiichi
PP. 32 - 42
Problems in communication and their solutions between severe aphasics and their wives at home
Okita Keiko Kamakura Noriko Murakami Tsuneji
PP. 43 - 51
The effect of muscle stiffness and muscle activity in the dorsolumbar region on Stretch Pole® exercise
Yamaguchi Kana Kawaguchi Kotaro Sekikawa Kiyokazu Tabusadani Mitsuru Inamizu Tsutomu
PP. 52 - 57
The relationship between peroneus longus and tibialis posterior muscle activities involved in raising the heel during calf-raise and in gait
Tokuomaru Kaori Inamizu Tsutomu Sekikawa Kiyokazu Tabusadani Mitsuru Sota Koichiro Kawaguchi Kotaro
PP. 58 - 64
The appearance of post-traumatic stress with events of delivery in mothers one month after childbirth : Comparison of mothers with newborn babies in NICU hospitalization and mothers with normal newborn babies
Matsumoto Suzuko Yokoo Kyoko Okamura Hitosi Nakagomi Satoko
PP. 71 - 80
Characteristic of postoperative treatment after repair of flexor tendon rupture in Zone II : Comparison between 3 weeks immobilization and modified Kleinert method in the progress of range of motion
Iitsuka Terufumi Watanabe Kentarou Murakami Tsuneji
PP. 81 - 91