4 巻
1 号
2004-12-17 発行
ISSN : 1347-7323
発行元 : 広島大学保健学出版会
Therapeutic interpretation for rehabilitation intervention in apraxic disorders from the view of cognitive theory
PP. 6 - 13
Study on the effect of mouth-guards on muscle strength
稲水 惇
PP. 14 - 19
Comparison of flexion and extension protocol for testing knee joint position sense
田中 浩介 浦邉 幸夫 越智 光夫 植田 一幸
PP. 20 - 26
Comparison of the effects of sustained contractions in different positions of the upper extremity and different degrees of resistance by pinch on the active range of motion
新井 光男 清水 一
PP. 27 - 34
Features of the Dubowitz neurologic examination of preterm infants : Comparison with neonatal encephalopathy infants
烏山 亜紀 河村 光俊 山崎 武美 福原 里恵 奈良 勲
PP. 35 - 40
PP. 41 - 46