The purpose of the present study was to clarify what kinds of problems arose in communication between severe aphasics and their wives at home and how and to what extent they were solved. Three pairs consisting of a severe aphasic and his wife were asked to freely talk to one another during their lunch time at home, while they were videotaped. All the conversation was transcribed. 15 minutes from these typical communication scenes were selected and subjected to study. They were divided into "cuts" according to topics. Regarding each "cut", it was determined 1)whether a communication problem arose or not, 2)what caused the problem, if it occured, 3)whether the problem was solved or not, and 4)how it was solved, if this were the case. The results showed that each pair of subjects had the communication problems in half or more of the topics about which they communicated, because of word finding difficulty, paraphasia or impaired auditory comprehension and other problems. However, it was found that approximately 70% of the problems were solved by themselves. Their means of solving the problems were classified into six categories, namely "Verbal complementation", "Content clarification", "Encouraging of verbal expression", "Using their bodies", "Using of tools", "Guessing through previously shared information". Each pair, each patient and each wife, differed in what kind of solving procedure he or she used. Each pair showed a greater frequency of conversation turn for each topic than normally expected.