This research was undertaken to investigate the learning experiences of students in the context of. pediatric nursing practice. We conducted an analysis (using the KJ method) targeting 117 students who had pediatric nursing practice experience at H University, using two years of summarized conference notes as materials. This paper presents a report with a focus on learning experience in kindergarten. 1) Nursing students' learning experiences in kindergarten can be divided into two main categories: "Understanding of the nature of children expressing their strengths and abilities" and "Learning language and behavior from the perspective of a childs reality" 2) A comparison of these two categories showed both contrasting elements and common elements. "Play" -which was one of the common elements- interacted with all of the other elements present. 3) This is an indication of the significance of pediatric nursing practice in kindergartern : during this research, we got a strong sense of an awareness of "play" and an awareness of the adults role in response to the childs sense of identity and vitality. 4) In terms of the implications for education in general, we were able to grasp, to some extent, the role of training in kindergarten among the context of fundamental education - that is, the experience of watching and listening, which forms the foundation of observation and communication skills, as well as practical skills in cultivating the child's sense of self. All of these tie into the concept of “total care,” an important concept for nursing care of children and families in general.