To investigate the precise mechanism of skeletal muscle cell regeneration, the changing pattern ofmyosin heavy chain(MHC)isoforms during the regenerating process was observed with relation to theactivation of myogenin and MyoD. In addition, histopathological observation of the damaged muscles wasperformed throughout the experiment.In this study, muscle damage was induced by intramuscular injection of bupivacaine hydrochloride in thesoleus muscle of mice (C57BL/10SnSc). In the light microscopic observation, muscle cells had almost disappeared at 3 days after bupivacainetreatment with severe inflammatory cell infiltration. At 6 days after treatment, a considerable number ofregenerating muscle cells containing centrally located nuclei appeared in the damaged soleus muscle. At28 days, these regenerating muscle cells showed almost the same appearance as the control muscle cellscontaining subsarcolemmal nuclei, although a small number of muscle cells with central nuclei were stillrecognized.In the biochemical analysis, control soleus muscles contained only MHC I (34.3±1.7 %)and MHC IIa(65.7±1.7 %). In the damaged muscles, MHC I was decreased toward 14 days after treatment, and thengradually increased. At 90 days, the contents of MHC I was finally recovered to 36.3±2.9 %.0 In addition,MHC IId and MHC IIb appeared in the damaged muscle from 3 to 28 days after treatment. However, theyhad disappeared at 90 days.Using western blot analysis, myogenin protein was recognized in the control soleus muscles (slow typemuscle), while the myogenin could not be found in the first type muscle of the anterior tibial muscle. Themyogenin contents increased to about three fold (3.1±0.5)at 3 days after treatment compared withthose of control muscles and reached the maximum level (5.8±0.8)at 6 days after treatment. Then, myogenin contents gradually decreased,although they still remained high (1.8 times)at the end of experiment (90 days after treatment). Incontrast to the myogenin protein, a high level (3.3 times)of MyoD protein was detected in the anteriortibial muscle compared with that of control soleus muscles. In the damaged soleus muscles, MyoDcontents reached a maximum level (5.4 times)at 3 days after treatment compared with that of controlsoleus muscles, and then gradually decreased toward the end of experiment. However, MyoD protein stillremained 2.2 times compared with that of control soleus muscles. These findings described above indicate that, 1)a property of fast type muscle cells appeared in theregenerating muscle cells during the regenerating process, and 2)myogenin and MyoD are closelyrelated to the differentiation of the satellite cells and regeneration of the skeletal muscle cells.