広島大学保健学ジャーナル 2 巻 1 号
2002-09-30 発行

精神分裂病女性患者の体内水分量に関する研究 : バイオインピーダンス法による測定

A study on the body water level of female Schizophrenic patients : A measurement by the impedance method
佐藤 美幸
山本 貴志子
百田 武司
三村 聖子
作田 裕美
西亀 正之
31.5 KB
水中毒は精神科のあらゆる障害において見られるが,原因としては未だ明らかになっていない.しかしながら水中毒は重篤な合併症を生じ,生命の危険性も高いことからも,早期に発見し,予防していくことが重要である.本研究では,バイオインピーダンス法を用いて精神障害者の体内水分量を知り,その貯留の程度をアセスメントする事で水中毒の予防に役立てないかと考え,精神分裂病患者と健康な一般女性,病的多飲水患者とそうでない患者のインピーダンス値を比較し,それぞれの間にどのような差が生じているのかを検証した.その結果,精神分裂病患者の細胞内水分量,細胞外水分量の両者とも,一般女性のそれより少なかった.また,病的多飲水患者は細胞外水分量が非多飲水患者に比べて多いが,細胞内水分量は細胞外水分量に比べて増加しておらず,水分量のバランスが悪いといえる.また,精神障害者においてしばしば肥満も問題となるが,今回インピーダンス法を用いて測定した結果,体脂肪率も高値を示していることが明らかになった.まとめ: 1) 精神障害者の体内水分量は健康な人に比べて有意に低い. 2)バイオインピーダンス法は精神障害者の水中毒予防の指標として応用可能である.
We find cases of water intoxication among patients of every sort of mental disorder. However, its cause is still unknown. Water intoxication causes serious complications, placing patients' life in danger. It is, therefore, important that its symptoms be identified at its early stage and its occurrence be prevented. In this study, we used the bio-impedance method in order to find out the level of water retained in the schizophrenic patients' body and examined ways to prevent water intoxication. The impedance values were compared between the schizophrenic patients and healthy women as well as between polydipsia and non-polydipsia patients. As a result, we found that both the extra-cellular and the intra-cellular water levels of the schizophrenic patients were significantly less than those of the healthy women. The extra-cellular water level of the polydipsia patients was significantly greater than that of the non-polydipsia patients. On the other hand, the polydipsia patients intra-cellular water level was not as high as their extra-cellular water level, indicating imbalance of water levels within the polydipsia patients body. Obesity is frequently an issue among mental disorder patients : the impedance method showed that body fat rate of these mental disorder patients was rather high. Summary 1)The amount of the body water level of the schizophrenic patients is significantly low compared with the healthy women. 2)The bio-impedance method can be applied as an index of the water intoxication prevention of the schizophrenic patients.
schizophrenic patients
body water