広島大学保健学ジャーナル Volume 2 Issue 1
published_at 2002-09-30


Development of collagen fibers in the rat knee joint and intervertebral disc.
Abiko Sachiko
Matsuura Natsue
191 KB
Changes in the amount and distribution of collagen fibers in the developing tibial articular cartilage of theknee joint and the thoracic intervertebral disc in the rat (ranging from 18 gestational days to postnatal 25weeks) were studied by light and electron microscopy. At 18 gestational days, the proximal epiphysis of thetibia, as revealed by Masson-Goldner staining, was composed of cartilage with few collagen fibers. On day 0,collagen fibers were weakly stained in the most marginal layer but increased in amount with time. At 2 and 3weeks, the staining of collagen fibers was pronounced in the superficial zone, but decreased in intensitytoward the deeper ossified region. At 9 weeks, uniform and intense staining was found throughout thearticular cartilage. In contrast, the collagen fibers in the growth plate, which appeared at 2weeks, increasedonly a little. In the intervertebral disc, collagen fibers were recognized at the most peripheral annulus fibrosusat 18 gestational days. The increase of collagen fibers proceeded from the peripheral annulus fibrosus towardthe center of disc, and at the center, from places near the nucleus pulposus toward the vertebral bodies in avertical direction. At 2 weeks, the intervertebral discs were intensely and homogeneously stained for collagenfibers. From 9 weeks onwards, ossified regions were occasionally found in the intervertebral discs.Electron microscopy demonstrated characteristic periodic striations for collagen in fibers observed bylight microscopy. In addition, the intensities of staining in light microscopic specimens correlated well withthe amount of collagen fiber at the electron microscopic level. The progression pattern of collagen fiberaccumulation is possibly correlated with the joint movement, weight loading and route of nutrient supply.The fetal cartilage and the growth plate were shown to contain only a small amount of collagen fiber in thepresent study. It is known that the chondrocytes in these cartilages actively proliferate. In contrast, thearticular cartilage and intervertebral disc contained a great deal of collagen fiber and chondrocytes withrare cell division. Some correlation may exist between an increase in collagen fibers and a reciprocaldecrease in the proliferative activity of chondrocytes.
articular cartilage
intervertebral disc