広島大学水畜産学部紀要 17 巻 1 号
1978-08-10 発行


Blood Corpuscle Resistance of Carp Died of Environmental Hypoxia and of Cyanide Poisoning
村地 四郎
難波 憲二
引田 敦也
552 KB
Blood corpuscle resistance (BCR) of carp significantly lowered immediately after death of environmental hypoxia from its normal level, while it remained at the same level as the normal one, when the fish was dead of cyanide poisoning.

However, 24 hours after the fish was dead, the BCR decreased in the case of death of cyanide poisoning, whereas it increased in the case of death of environmental hypoxia, compared with its level immediately after the fish died.

The results indicate that the measurement of BCR of fish within several hours after death may be applicable to judge whether the cause of fish death was the environmental hypoxia or not.