広島大学日本語教育研究 34 号
2024-03-31 発行

中国人日本語学習者の「第三者ほめ」の使用実態 : 接触場面の友人同士の自然談話の分析

The Usage of Compliments to Third-party by Chinese Learners of Japanese: Based on Natural Conversations between Friends in Contact Situations
張 晨
楊 雪
360 KB
In this study, we analyzed the usage of compliments to third-party by Chinese learners of Japanese in natural conversations between friends in contact situations, comparing them with Japanese native speakers. Firstly, similar to the findings of the first meeting conversations (Nagata, 2016), it was confirmed that, even in conversations between friends, Japanese native speakers mutually compliment a third-party, while Chinese learners of Japanese do not. Furthermore, focusing on the discourse development, it was revealed that in conversations between friends, Japanese native speakers ultimately prioritize saving the hearer's face and mutually compliment the third-party, even in the face of potential conflicts from hearer’s compliments to third-party. On the other hand, Chinese learners of Japanese may experience conflicts stemming from hearer’s compliments to third-party in conversations between friends. Based on these findings, it is suggested that there is a need to instruct Chinese learners of Japanese on the function of compliments to third-party, indicating that complimenting a third-party with Japanese native speakers can contribute to building and strengthening solidarity between speaker and hearer and promoting discourse development.
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