広島大学日本語教育研究 Issue 12
published_at 2002-03-15

「日本語教員養成において必要とされる教育内容」に関する一考察 : 学校日本語教育の観点から

Analyzing and Evaluating the New Guideline for Japanese Language Teacher Education : from the Standpoint of School Education
Nuibe Yoshinori
408 KB
The present article aims to evaluate the new guideline for Japanese language teacher education issued by the Bunkacho in 2000). Although the new one has its own concept and curriculum framework different from the present one, I investigated how much they overlap each other in content. In conclusion, both of them are much the same in content and the present one will be radically restructured into the new one according to the new concept of "teacher development" consciously or unconsciously.