広島大学心理学研究 Issue 22
published_at 2023-03-31

中学生の学校における自己対象体験について : 質問紙と動的学校画による検討

Selfobject experience of junior high school students in school: Using questionnaires and Kinetic School Drawing
Mitsuishi Hiroto
545 KB
Two studies were conducted to investigate the selfobject experience of junior high school students. The concept of “selfobject,” introduced by psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut, refers to the functions that support the self. A related term, “selfobject experience” means to experience selfobject. In the first study, we surveyed the aspects of selfobject experience of junior high school students in school and the relationship between selfobject experience and the feeling of school adjustment using questionnaires. The selfobject experience scores of girls were higher than those of boys. The higher the score of the selfobject experience for teachers and other students was, the higher their feeling of school adjustment. In the second study, we surveyed the characteristics of “Kinetic School Drawing (KSD)” related to selfobject experience. Consequently, the characteristics which related to the selfobject experience for teachers were not revealed. However, the students who received a high score in the selfobject experience for students tended to draw “interactive communication between self image and other students’ image” or had a “positive expression on their face for other students’ images.”
selfobject experience
the feeling of school adjustment
Kinetic School Drawing