広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 51
published_at 2003-03-28

高齢運転者の運転行動と運転志向に関する研究の動向と課題 : 安全教育の視点から

Current Trends and Problems in Driving Behavior and its Volition of Elderly Drivers : from Viewpoint of Safety Education
Fujikawa Mieko
958 KB
The purpose of this paper is to review the advances and issues in elderly driver research from the point of traffic psychology. As a result of the review, the following was found. A lot of accidents of the elderly driver happen in the intersection mainly. It is pointed out to one of the cause of the accidents that their aging is a cause. Elderly drivers tend to avoid driving in risk situation. It has the drive of the car regardless of the age and it has the need that it keeps is long. However, neither the consciousness of their aging nor the relations to safety are clarified. The research of the evaluation to their drive behavior is also a little. The attitude to the elderly driver's own aging is not clarified. In the future, a study is an analysis of the factors which affect the safety of driving by the elderly with the view to applying the findings toward the development of their safety driver education.
elderly driver
consciousness of aging
driver education