広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 Issue 51
published_at 2003-03-28


A comparison of the handling way of problem posing between the forth national textbook for elementary school mathematics and the teacher's guide book written by Shimizu Zingo
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In this article, the way of Shimizu's attempt to integrate his ideas about problem posing by children into the forth national textbook for elementary school mathematics, which was used form 1935 to 1940, will be discussed by focusing on the textbook for teacher edited by Shiono Naomichi and the teacher's guide book by Shimizu Zingo. This consideration shows that (a) problem posing was used as one of the forms to present problems in the textbook for developing the way of mathematical thinking, on the other hand, (b) in the teacher's guide book written by Shimizu, he tried to elaborate his own plan to integrate the way of mathematical thinking with children's quantitative daily life by the use of the problems in the textbook and problem posing.
Shimizu Zingo
problem posing