
ISSN : 0385-1664
発行元 : 広島麻酔医学会
Transition of Anesthesia Management and Anesthetics Used for 50 Years Since the Establishment of Anesthesiology Department in Hiroshima University
PP. 5 - 11
Open MRI Operating Room with Automatic Electronic Recording of Medical Equipment Provided by Wireless LAN - Anesthesia Care Experience of 25 Cases in Hiroshima University Hospital
PP. 13 - 16
Evaluation of Blood Glucose Level and Condition Measured by Emergency Life-Saving Persons before Hospital Arrival
楢﨑 壮志 中川 五男 日高 昌三 岡田 泰典 桑原 佳恵 横田 真優子 松本 渉 中川 亜耶
PP. 17 - 20
Changes in Respiratory Compliance Among Infants Undergoing Surgical Repair of Congenital Heart Disease
北川 麻紀子 和泉 博通 豊田 有加里
PP. 21 - 24
Comparison of Prone Position and Knee-Chest Position in Hemodynamics During Postural Change
PP. 25 - 29
Transient Spinal Segmental Myoclonus during Neuraxial Anesthesia: A Report of Two Cases
田嶋 実 森脇 克行 橋本 賢 藤井 聖士 城山 和久 讃岐 美佳子 栗田 茂顕
PP. 35 - 38
A Case of a Combination of Wearing-Off-Like Symptoms and Autonomic Hyperreflexia Following Spinal Anesthesia for a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease Who is Treated by Deep Brain Stimulation
田嶋 実 柳谷 忠雄 松浪 勝昭 近藤 洋司 笹田 将吾 彌久末 智子 永島 健太
PP. 39 - 43
Three Cases Becoming Difficult to Remove Epidural Catheter Postoperatively Due to Coagulation Defect Associated with Antibiotics
PP. 45 - 47
PP. 49 - 51