日本新生児看護学会誌 Volume 11 Issue 2
published_at 2005-06

病気の原因をめぐる「いかに」と「なぜ」 : 自己と他者の人類学 <特別原稿>

Why and how a man got sick? : Anthropology of self and others
Ukigaya Sachiyo
545 KB
When a man got sick suddenly, he asks why he did. In modern age, we can't explain why he did, but be able to do how he did on ground of physiology and preventive medicine. In addition, we could explain how he did relating not only to the social and economic factors, but also to gender bias in our society. However, he seeks for explanations of why he did into his personality and life-style. 'Life-style diseases' means that how or why he did results from his own life-style. Therefore he blames himself for his wrong one. The self-blaming is based on a concept of self-reference related to identity, self-reflexive and self-care in modem age. The concept of self-reference that is typical in modern age often results in 'closed self'. In contrast, the self that has relationship with others resulted in 'open self' is popular in pre-modern age. We can also see the image of 'open self' in process of facing being sick with others in modern age. Finally, I suppose three perspectives of anthropological research.
why and how a man got sick?
'life-style diseases' and self-blaming
concept of self-reference
'closed self' and 'open self'
perspectives of anthropological research
Copyright (c) 2005 日本新生児看護学会