9 巻
2 号
2003-07 発行
ISSN : 1343-9111
発行元 : 日本新生児看護学会
Grounding of chromosome in perinatal and prenatal medicine
三春 範夫
PP. 2 - 8
Nursing of childrens who sre Diagnosid as 18-trisomy from the stand of the Parents
甲斐 しのぶ
PP. 9 - 15
The study of cognizance, emotion, and experience in the hospital for parents of Trisomy 18
中込 さと子 横尾 京子
PP. 16 - 24
Support for breastfeeding mothers of high risk neonates : Issues among NICU nurses consciousness of use of automatic electric breast pumps
横尾 京子 中込 さと子 村上 真理
PP. 25 - 34
Support of families who lost their children in perinatal ward : Production and evaluation of a picture book for siblings
久保 貴巳子 森口 紀子 川辺 厚子 井上 亜日香 西川 智子 石渡 澄子
PP. 35 - 42
Efforts Towards Modifying Child Restraint Systems for Low Birth Weight Infants : In Pursuit of Appropriate and Safer Ways to Use the CRS During Transport of the above Infants
蓼沼 美香 熊木 孝子 劉 亜梅
PP. 43 - 47
A Comparative Study on Methods for Collecting Urine from Premature Inhnts in Incubators : Urine Collection for Infants in Prone Position Using a Bag with a Piece of Sponge Inserted
安永 美香 中村 真由美 稲田 信子
PP. 48 - 53