7 巻
1 号
2000-03 発行
ISSN : 1343-9111
発行元 : 日本新生児看護学会
Terminal medical care for neonates with life-threatening prognosis : Guidelines for ethical and medical decision-making in Yodogawa Christian Hospital.
船戸 正久
PP. 2 - 14
Pain experienced by neonates on the NICUs: A survey of nurses' perception and actual nursing care
横尾 京子 井上 雅子 百田 由希子 中西 睦子
PP. 15 - 23
Pain responses of preterm infants to blood sampling procedure
砂金 直子
PP. 24 - 32
The stress and coping behaviors of mothers of low birth weight infants in neonatal intensive care unit
堀 妙子
PP. 33 - 41
The effect of the pre-natal visit for high-risk pregnants by NICU nursing staffs and the research for its effective methods.
岡 園代 入江 暁子
PP. 42 - 53
Determinant of preference for the face of the premature infant
横田 正夫 吉田 宏之 今関 節子 下田 あい子
PP. 54 - 61
A study on the mothers' perceptions about conditions and development of their toddlers and school children who finished home oxygen therapy : Mothers' perceptions in social life at kindergartens or elementary schooIs
西野 郁子
PP. 62 - 68