11 巻
1 号
2005-01 発行
ISSN : 1343-9111
発行元 : 日本新生児看護学会
Supportive care for infants discharged from NICU by home visiting nurses
名越 静香
PP. 1 -
Genetics, a human perspective
長谷川 知子
PP. 2 - 8
早産児の産婦における乳汁分泌の開始および母乳の確立 : 乳汁成分の変化および母乳の強化について
P. E Hartmann C.T. Lai
PP. 8 - 22
Initiation and establishment of lactation in women who have delivered pre-term infants : Changes in milk composition and the fortification of mother's milk for pre-term infants.
P. E Hartmann C.T. Lai 横尾 京子
PP. 23 - 31
Home Visiting Nurse Stations in pediatric nursing -- 1st report: The state and subject of home visiting nurse station's activity from station's point of view --
谷口 美紀 横尾 京子 名越 静香 福原 里恵 田辺 操子 野尻 昭代 中込 さと子 村上 真理 藤本 紗央里
PP. 32 - 37
Mental support during two months after delivery to facilitate psychosocial acceptance for a mother who has a baby with Apert syndrome By using "baby memorandum"
長谷川 香
PP. 38 - 41