広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 7 巻
2009-03-20 発行


A Review of Clinical Psychological Studies on Palliative Care in Japan
兒玉 憲一
栗田 智未
中岡 千幸
565 KB
The purpose of this study was to review practical reports and Journals written by clinical psychologists working in End-of-Life Care in Japan and discuss issues that clinical psychologists must address. We categorized clinical psychological studies conducted by clinical psychologists working with cancer patients into 5 psychological services: (a) psychological assessment; (b) psychological intervention; (c) consultation; (d) grief therapy; and (e) program development, and we clarified the features of each service. A result of this study showed that there were many studies in psychological assessment and psychological intervention while there was less study in grief therapy and program development. Finally, importance of exploring studies in End-of-Life Care was discussed in terms of that clinical practices were based on clinical psychological studies.
cancer patient
clinical psychologist
End-of-Life Care
palliative care