広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 17 巻
2019-03-31 発行

中学生の不登校傾向に対する家族サポートの把握 : 質問紙と動的家族画を用いた試み

Understanding of family support for junior high school student's tendency to school refusal: An attempt using questionnaire method and Kinetic Family Drawing
奈須野 玲加
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In this study, we used Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD) and question sheets to examine the influence family support had on stress and the tendency toward school refusal for 254 junior high school students. Results suggest that family support indirectly reduced the students' tendency toward school refusal by alleviating stress in their everyday lives. Next, we dividedthe students into groups by the degree of family support they received, the stress they felt, and their tendency toward school refusal. Then, we looked at the unique features of each group's KFD and examined whether KFD was useful for understanding how the students felt about the support they received from their families. The results indicate that the factors "omission of the father's image", "intercommunication of the family's image" and "intercommunication of the family's image through talking" were useful for understanding how the students felt about the support they received from their families. We believe that providing support to junior high school students based on the presence or absence of these indicators may help prevent students' tendency toward school refusal.
family support
tendency to school refusal
Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD)