大学論集 47 号
2015-03 発行

“わけあり論文”の投稿リスクと研究者養成に関する考察 <研究ノート>

Consideration of the Contribution Risk of Disputable Research Material and Fostering Researchers <Note>
北垣 郁雄
1.51 MB
This article proposes a game- based framework of the contribution risk of a disputable research material, and then considers fostering researchers. As discussed here disputable material means the publicized material which causes a question on the contribution regulation, conscience as a researcher, reliability of the contents and so on. The higher is the impact factor of the journal, the more influential to the society. The material which has been supposed to have a positive impact on society will get an unexpected negative impact if the question is not solved. As a result, the authors who know all the detail in the material may be thought to have contributed it while knowing the risk. Thus it naturally reminds us of the game- based framework.The article primarily discusses the game based framework on the contribution of the experimental material in the field of technology. It also discusses the fostering researchers in terms of the material contribution in an appropriate manner as an important matter for the researchers.
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