大学論集 Issue 46
published_at 2014-09

高等教育財政・財務に関する研究の展開 <論考> <創立40周年記念特集 : 高等教育研究の回顧と展望>

Review of Preceding Studies on Higher Education Funding and Finance <Article> <Special Issue : Retrospect and Prospect of Higher Education Studies>
962 KB
This paper will review preceding studies on higher education funding and finance conducted in Japan. Higher education funding is defined as governmental funding at the macro level and higher education finance as each university-level financial activities. Based on Ichikawa (2008), research on higher education funding began to be conducted in the 1960s. On the other hand, according to Kaneko (2005), higher education finance is a more recent research theme.  

Theoretical studies of higher education funding and finance will be introduced in Section 2; empirical studies of higher education funding in Section 3; and empirical studies of higher education finance in Section 4. Future subjects and issues of these research themes are also discussed.  

The paper concludes by noting that the preceding studies of these themes have been accumulated very rapidly especially in terms of empirical studies and by suggesting that they can be connected to theoretical studies to enrich both of them.
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