大学論集 46 号
2014-09 発行

大学職員研究の動向 : 大学職員論を中心として <論考> <創立40周年記念特集 : 高等教育研究の回顧と展望>

On the Studies of University Staff <Article> <Special Issue : Retrospect and Prospect of Higher Education Studies>
844 KB
Research on university staff is a field of study in higher education that has achieved prominence in recent years. The number of publications has increased significantly, in particular since the late 2000s. Today, issues related to university staff are often being undertaken as a topic in the academic discipline of higher education.  

This paper reviews extant studies of university staff. Firstly, based on previous literature, it examines the scope of the studies, taking into consideration the definition of university staff. It then identifies research quesitons and methodologies of the studies and concludes by referring to challenges facing future research in this field, discussing the necessity of developing research methodologies and interdisciplinary collaboration.
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