The purpose of this paper is to review research from 2006 to 2013 which focuses upon the connection between high school education and higher education. Research on this connection is divided into three fields: career aspirations of high school students; the effect of college admission styles on the satisfaction, adaptation, school records and passing rate on a national examination after entering university; and the entrance examination system in various foreign countries.
Research on the career aspirations of high school student clarifies how the career consciousness of high school students varied by gender and the kind and location of their high schools.
As the university entrance ratio rose in recent years, students at high schools where many graduates had found employment tended to have an affinity consciousness toward attending university. As a result student course selection at that kind of high school was diversified.
Furthermore, with the rise of the university entrance ratio in recent years, although the difference between male and female university entrance ratio was reduced, the difference in the university entrance ratio according to all prefectures was expanded.
Research on the effect of college admission styles on the satisfaction, adaptation, school records and passing rate of a national exam after entering university clarifies that although the student who went to the faculty to which he agreed to go, is most satisfied with the faculty immediately after college admission, the student who was dissatisfied to the university life immediately after college admission, by making the intimate relation to teachers or friends, adopted and canceled the dissatisfaction with university life.
Supposing the learning and school records of university students after entering university are important, in the entrance examination, it is required for candidates for admission to check whether they have any minimum capability and nature possible to continue to study in the university.