広島大学生物生産学部紀要 Volume 22 Issue 2
published_at 1983-12

A Study on the Thermal Diffusivity of Potato Slabs in Various Conditions

Kubota Kiyoshi
Takase Yumiko
929 KB
In order to design various food heating or cooling processes such as cooking apparatuses and so on, it is necessary to measure the thermal diffusivity of the food materials. In a former paper3), we studied the thermal diffusivity for the spherical root vegetables. In this paper, we studied the same for the slab potatoes. The values of thermal diffusivity of potatoes are considered to be in average 0.08 cm² /min at a temperature range from 10 to 50°C. The results of the slab shape experiments are usuful for the softish foods such as fish and meat materials and so on which can not be cut in to spherical shape. The central temperature history in slab material is shown. This figure can be used in order to obtain the approximate thermal diffusivity from the experimental data. In this paper, we investigated a method which used the digital computer program in order to determine the thermal diffusivity. This method is more acculate and usuful than the other previous methods which used figures or tables.