This article analyzes the operational differences between the synonyms soto ni deru,dekakeru, and gaisyutusuru. The three expressions are semantically similar in that they express movement toward the outside. In this article, we focus on the topic aspect and analyze them using the Japanese Topic-Oriented Conversation Corpus: J-TOCC. The results show that soto ni deru is characterized as “moving from inside a certain space” and is used in the widest range of topics, especially in the topic of “weather.” Next, dekakeru is characterized as “movement with a purpose,” and is used not only for the topic of “weather” but also for other topics such as “eating” and “traveling.” Finally, gaisyutusuru has the characteristic of “moving from the place where one should be,” although the J-TOCC did not show a trend by topic, and we proposed its introduction in topics such as nursing care and child-rearing from the perspective of colocation.