広島大学日本語教育研究 28 号
2018 発行

中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の繰り返し聴解におけるメモの効果 : メモを取るタイミングと作動記憶容量を操作した実験的検討

Effects of the Timing of Note Taking on Repeated Listening among Advanced Chinese Japanese Learners: Focusing on the Timing of Note Taking and Working Memory Span
陳 亭宇
林 婉琪
毛 炫琇
銭 静宜
徐 暢
柳本 大地
679 KB
This study aimed to investigate the effects of the timing of note taking on repeated listening for advanced Chinese learners of Japanese. The two independent variables were participants’ working memory capacity and the timing of the note taking. The main results were as follows: In the free recall test, there was a marginal significance that participants with a low working-memory capacity demonstrated better performance when taking notes during the first trail than participants with a high working-memory capacity. However in the fill-in-blank test, regardless of the timing of the note taking, a difference according to the size of working memory capacity was not found. Further, it was found that taking notes during the first trail left a stronger memory trace, whereas taking notes during the second trail was helpful for the understanding of target passages. These results suggest that learners with a smaller memory span can perform better with note taking and learners with a larger memory span are better of taking notes after the first trail.
Copyright (c) 2018 広島大学大学院教育学研究科日本語教育学講座