Bulletin of the Department of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language, Hiroshima University
Issue 24
Date of Issue:2014-03-14
current number
ISSN : 1347-7226
Publisher : Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Program, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
The acquisition of Japanese accent in English speaking learners : The relationship of knowledge and production <Articles>
PP. 1 - 8
A Survey of the Phonological and Morphological Similarities between Korean and Japanese Singular Kanji <Articles>
Matsushima Hiroe Matsumi Norio
PP. 9 - 16
The way in thought process of DAISUKE : A study on the expression of “SOREKARA" <Articles>
Lee Jong-Eun Yanagisawa Hiroya
PP. 17 - 24
The "Discovery" of Sand Dune as Scenery <Articles>
Kodani Saori
PP. 25 - 30