Hiroshima University Management Review
Issue 1
Date of Issue:2001-03-31
current number
ISSN : 1346-4086
Publisher : The Management Society of Hiroshima University
The Hollowing Out Effect Revisited : The Case of Hiroshima City<Article>
Enomoto Satoru
PP. 3 - 14
PP. 15 - 23
Der doppelte Ersatz des Schadens durch Urheberrechtsverletzungen : Eine rechtsvergleichende Studie im Hinblick auf deutschen GEMA-Zuschlag<Article>
Matsukawa Minoru
PP. 25 - 37
A Human Engineering Study concerning Color Combinations on a Computer Display in VDT Work<Article>
Tokaji Akihiko
PP. 39 - 48
The Information that is provided by Advertisements<Article>
Wang Yi-jen
PP. 49 - 59