廣島法學 46 巻 4 号
2023-03-15 発行

性同一性障害者の性別の取扱いの特例に関する法律3条1項3号の憲法適合性についての一検討 : 令和3年11月30日・最高裁判所第三小法廷決定を素材にして

A Study of the Constitutional Compatibility of Article 3(1)(iii) in the Act on Special Cases in Handling the Status of People with a Gender Identity Disorder.
辛嶋 了憲
1.46 MB
This article discusses whether Article 3(1)(iii) in the Act on Special Cases in Handling the Status of People with a Gender Identity Disorder is unconstitutional or not. On November 30, 2021, the Supreme Court of Japan concluded that Article 3(1) (iii) was constitutional. This article discusses the appropriateness of this conclusion, comparing it with other cases concerning Article 3(1) dealt with by the Supreme Court of Japan.