31 巻
1 号
2007-06-30 発行
ISSN : 0386-5010
発行元 : 広島大学法学会
The Changing of Araki's "Social Law" Theory : from Labor Law to Social Security Law
柳澤 旭
PP. 19 - 41
Arbeitsstandardgesetz als Arbietsvertragsrecht (5)
PP. 43 - 74
The Accounting Director and the Accounting Standard for Smaller Entities in Japan
PP. 75 - 96
The Alteration of the business Unit in the statutory Law and its Meaning (1)
松戸 浩
PP. 97 - 126
Max Weber and Rudolf Stammler
PP. 155 - 187
Agrarian Reform Bills and Farmers Division at the Association for Harmonious Co-operation, "Kyo-cho-kai" in 1920s-1930s
PP. 189 - 217
PP. 282 - 257