廣島法學 Volume 45 Issue 3
published_at 2022-01-20

データから読み取る中国人民調停の動向に関する一考察 : 1986年~2019年の人民調停統計資料に基づく分析

A Study on Trends in People’s Mediation in China: Analysis Based on People’s Mediation Statistics from 1986 to 2019
Hailin Dong
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As a pillar of China's private ADR, the people's mediation system does not have its origins in the modern Western mediation system, but in the folk mediation system with the basic autonomous characteristics of Eastern tradition. This paper, analyzed the changes in the number of people's mediation cases, focusing on statistical data for 33 years from 1986 to 2019. During this period, Chinese society has undergone unprecedented changes, the most representative of which are the reform and opening-up of the economic sphere and the legislation of the public sphere. Therefore, this paper attempts to briefly analyze the reasons for the change in the number of people's mediation cases and the interrelationship between people's mediation and trial from two main perspectives: the changes in population flow brought about by the reform and opening-up, and the legislative activities related to people's mediation brought about by the legislation.