中等教育研究紀要 Issue 68
published_at 2022-03-31

炭素循環の学習を通した地球システム的な見方・考え方の育成 : 地学基礎における「脱炭素社会の実現」の理解を導くための学習

Learning to Develop Perspectives and Thinking About the Earth by Learning the Carbon Cycle in the Natural System: Learning on the Basics of Earth Science for High School Students to Understand "Realization of a Decarbonized Society"
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The effects of global warming are harming our lives and society. Recognizing this situation for all inhabitants on the planet, and making efforts to resolve it are among the common problems that countries worldwide tackle to form a sustainable society. In Japan, efforts toward the realization of a decarbonized society have begun. Japan strives to enhance education on global environmental issues through school education. Therefore, in studying the basics of earth science in high school science, it is desirable to foster perspectives and thinking about the earth by studying the carbon cycle to understand the realization of a decarbonized society. Consequently, a learning task was developed for the learner to recognize the carbon cycle based on the learned items, and a lesson was planned and put into practice to tackle the developed task. It was confirmed that learners were able to acquire cultivated perspectives and thinking about the earth, through the reports written by the learners and the description of the learners’ reflection after learning.