広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28

自由談話における接続助詞ケド : 接続機能と談話展開の関わりについての一考察

Relationship between the conjunctive function of Japanese conjunction kedo and its influence to the discourse development : A case of free talk
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A large number of studies of Japanese conjunction kedo have discussed that what kind of use the conjunction kedo has and the features of each uses. On the other hand so far little attention has been paid that how each uses of kedo influence to the discourse development. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the conjunctive function of kedo and its influence to the discourse development by observing whole discourse of free talk. This paper clarifies that the use of conjunction kedo is different from other uses of kedo with respect to the influence to the discourse development, and that the differences are derived from the differences of the type of "denial" in each uses.
Topic structure
Conjunctive function of kedo
Discourse development