広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28

2言語間の単語翻訳における概念の活性化 : 表記形態と具象性の操作による検討

The Effect of Processing Levels of Concept Activation in Cross Language Word Translation : Examination from Orthographic Diference and Concreteness of Words
Habuchi Yoshiko
582 KB
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of levels of concept activation in cross language word translation using orthographic difference and word concreteness. The participants were advanced class English learners (N = 22) whose native language was Japanese. An experiment was conducted to compare katakana items with hiragana ones, and concrete words with abstract ones. The results were analyzed from the viewpoint of translation latency and recall performance in the word translation task. As a result, it was shown that the translation latency of the hiragana words was shorter than that of the katakana ones regardless of the word concreteness. The number of correct recalls of the concrete words was larger than that of the abstract ones regardless of the orthographic difference. These results suggested that the concept activation in surface level didn't affect the number of recalled words, but the translation latency. On the other hand the concept activation in deep level didn't affect the translation latency, but the number of recalled words.
word translation
concept activation
levels of processing
orthographic difference