広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 Volume 16
published_at 2018-03-31

自己志向的完全主義の発達に影響を与える要因の検討 : 社会的期待モデルに着目して

Factors influencing the development of self-oriented perfectionism: the social expectations model
Sugiyama Mizuho
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Perfectionism is a personality characteristic involved in various negative outcomes, including mental disorder. Perfectionism, which demands perfection of oneself, is called ‘‘self-oriented perfectionism.’’ In the present study, we focused on the social expectations model in which parental expectations make children perfectionists to investigate the differences in perceived parental expectations and the method of receiving parental expectations on several types of self-oriented perfectionists using a questionnaire survey (Study 1) and interviews (Study 2). The results of Study 1 showed that two types of self-oriented perfectionists differed in their method of receiving parental expectations. The results of Study 2 showed qualitative differences in perceived parental expectations and the method of receiving them between two types of self-oriented perfectionists. The findings suggest the possibility that the social expectations model has limitations in its application to self-oriented perfectionists who show a tendency to be concerned with their mistakes.
Parent-child relationship